Hello dragonbonded!


Moy greeting you from Draco Studios’ headquarters (which is my studio since we are Home Office). These have been months brimming with magic and dragons, but that has brought us here, to the launch of the “Elyse’s Guide to Magic” campaign, our new book filled with spells, magical items, classes, and subclasses for your TTRPG.


We are very proud of what we have achieved thanks to the incredible work of Sarah Madsen and Brian Suskind, who have taken the helm of writing this book, in addition to a host of guest writers that I’m sure you will recognize from various media such as TV, YouTube, novelists, and more.

This book revolves around Vaala, a powerful and enigmatic force that permeates all things in the Dragonbond universe.


If you want to learn more about the Dragonbond lore and the Vaala, you can read this blog we recently published.


And if you prefer to fill your ears with a deeper narration about Vaala, The Lorebrarians have published this video explaining all about it. Check it out!


As I write this update, the Kickstarter campaign for “Elyse’s Guide to Dragonbonding” is active, and I must say I am extremely proud that it was funded in just 30 minutes.

This reminds me to thank all of you, the amazing Dragonbond community, for this achievement, not only in funding it but surpassing the campaign funding goal by over 800%, as well as your constant participation in our Discord to help us improve the content of our TTRPG books and adventures, as well as the board games we create for you on daily basis.

By the way, if you want a chance to see your magic items and spells published in the final version of “Elyse’s Guide to Magic” this is your chance to do so. Join the campaign and find out how you can do it! We can’t wait to see what epic items and spells you come up with.

Speaking of board games, Dragonbond Quest is about to hit its second playtest phase!


That’s right, after listening to all the feedback our community gave us on Discord (if you want to join the conversation and share your opinion, join our Discord here), we decided it was time to go back to the drawing board to give this game some extra touches to the rules and gameplay so that Dragonbond and Heroes of Terrinoth fans could have the best version of the game we can offer.

We are proud of what we have achieved, and shortly, we’ll begin the second playtest phase to make this cooperative adventure for 1 to 4 players a reality. If you want to know more about Dragonbond Quest, check out this blog we wrote for you.

Dragonbond Quest Cardgame Cover

Itza’s Guide to Dragonbonding digital fulfillment has begun!

When I say we’ve been working at full throttle, this is what I mean! We have completed the digital version of Itza’s Guide to Dragonbonding, and it has already been distributed through DriveThruRPG. If any of you have had trouble downloading it, don’t hesitate to contact Ana on our Discord, and she will help you receive it.

It’s time to introduce the world of Dragonbond to your TTRPG campaigns, and there’s no better tool to do it with than this book filled with new mechanics, such as battles on the back of a dragon, and classes and subclasses focused on draconic combat.


The Rize of Itza: Graphic Novel


Here, the news is also fantastic. We have received our pre-production copies for quality control, and everything looks spectacular. Mass production will begin soon, so this graphic novel will make its way to our backers’ homes in February.

If you haven’t yet explored this adventure within the Dragonbond universe, you can download the first issue here FREE OF CHARGE.


As you can see, the Dragonbond universe is always expanding, and we have no plans to stop anytime soon. We have big things planned for all of you, including board games, new TTRPG adventures, and even fully-fleshed novels.

So, keep your eye on the Valerna sky, and we’ll see you in the next Dragonbond Scribe.